

2007 Oct 01 elly-miang

Guy Blade Guy Blade---07:24:00

This weekend was homecoming back at Rose. I had decided sometime in August that I was going to come back for it and in fact did. I had a ton of fun and got to see most of the people that make up my memories of Rose. Almost all of my time was spent at Theta Xi. It was a very different experience not having to be responsible for getting things done, but it was a lot of fun as I got to see all of my pledge brothers and most of the brothers with whom I spent the most time. It was also good to get the 004 show back together. We were missing a couple of people (Andrew, Nate), but we had the rest of the cast from all 3 years that we did the show. I'll try to get a recording of it up in a reasonable time frame but no promises.

Now, I am back in Altadena. Tomorrow I go back to work. Fun fun.

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