

2007 Apr 29 garnet

Guy Blade Guy Blade---11:31:00

So, I make use of several things to entertain me from time to time on the internet. Two of these things are Digg and StumbleUpon. Recently, I have seen an irritatinly high number of pages in both of these services relating to Ubuntu.

Now, I like Linux-- I run it on most of my boxes in fact. I don't, however, have any particular love for Ubuntu. The thing about Ubuntu that most people blithely ignore is that the stupid thing is just Debian with more up-to-date packages and a faster release cycle. These are things that Debian has always needed and its great that someone is finally doing it. What I don't like about the hype surrounding Ubuntu are the claims that it is somehow easier to use and better than other distributions. I installed Ubuntu on one of my machines (my router) and it was no easier or more difficult than installing Debian. Perhaps I just "don't get it."

Regardless, neither Debian nor Ubuntu particularly light my fire. I've like Gentoo better. Although it is nice to use binary packages for low-end systems, I do somewhat like being able to decide which features are compiled into my packages.

Ah well.

In other news, I've had to update XPost as it appears that Blogger has stopped providing a particular field in its feed list. I've also added support for DeviantART journals. I'll probably post the new version later this week as it is a giant pain in the ass to upload things to SourceForge/

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