

2009 May 12 emeralda

Guy Blade Guy Blade---09:11:00

So, I also recently picked up Left 4 Dead and have been having a lot of fun with it. Tonight, however, I had my first experience with people who weren't worth playing with. I set up a public pickup game so that I could play through the last of the 4 main missions that I hadn't yet played: Blood Harvest.

In my group I had two problem people. First was the person who talked, constantly, about nothing interesting. I initially engaged him in banter because I expected it to die down once action begun, but once he asked how he could turn down the game's music and sound effects so that he could hear talking during "loud" moments, I knew he was worthless. He was also one who constantly complained about the pace that the faster people in the group were setting which was fast, but by no means unreasonable.

The second problem person was more difficult because he wasn't always a problem, he oscillated from being a useful team member to being a pain. He occasionally would play music over VC ("What is Love?" and "Clubbed to Death" (from the Matrix OST) were his favorites) or start attacking the party seemingly without provocation. Near the beginning of the third act, he shot an exploding tank while all of the survivors were within the radius (and there were no zombies about). When he and I were isolated in the same act, he began shooting me for no reason. I shot him to incapacitatedness and told the rest of the group to just leave him. Unfortunately, the rest of the group voted to restart the campaign.

At that point, I had had enough and quit for the night. Maybe better luck tomorrow.

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